How to Become an Android Application Developer
Today, it was reported that Android devices now account for 50% of the global Smartphone business, making it the most common mobile platform on the planet. Android was a distant third in mobile platforms when it was introduced in 2007, following Apple’s iOS, Blackberry (RIM), Windows Mobile, and Symbian. With millions of Android devices in use and an unprecedented 500,000+ new Android devices activated every day; the adoption of Android apps is skyrocketing, as is the market for Android app developers . IT recruiters are reporting an increase in prices for talented programmers with expertise in Mobile production. 01: Gather the Tools: Java, Android SDK, Eclipse + ADT Plugin:- Sin c e it combines best with the Android SDK and is free, Eclipse is the mobile development platform of choice for Android app development. The Eclipse IDE for Java Developers is available for free download from the Eclipse site (choose the version that matches your OS). Eclipse is a powerful text ed...