Freelance Socket Developer

Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for real-time web applications. Socket.IO keeps the line of communication between two or more users. As a freelance Socket.IO developer, I can develop and optimize real-time mobile applications. 

If you are looking to develop real-time apps developed on Socket.IO, you can avail the following benefits:

  • Easy to install, lower maintenance than a HTTP request

  • Enhances websocket performance

  • Multi-socket broadcasting

  • Information storage for every user

  • Multi-language support

  • Compatible with mobile and desktop

Socket.IO is a complex framework which will consume time in order to be done. It is better off to leave this to professionals. You can either hire a full-time Socket.IO expert, or employ the services of a  freelance Socket.IO developer on a contractual basis. 

Hiring a freelance Socket.IO developer will get you expert services for developing a real-time app within the timeframe and budget suitable to you. You can also avoid the unnecessary costs of recruitment. 

You can contact me for your project requirements and after finalization of the work agreement, i will start working as a freelance Socket.IO developer on your project dedicatedly on a remote basis while you can get timely updates regarding the progress. 

I can work as per your needs, on the clock as per your requirements. As a freelance Socket developer, I can assure you the handling of your project in a professional way, delivering quality and completion of the project within your timeframe and budget. 

Top features of Socket.IO

Employing a freelance Socket.IO developer can be beneficial for implementing the exact requirements of your project. Developing real-time applications using Socket.IO offers the following benefits:


Socket.IO establishes connections even during

  • Firewall and antivirus softwares

  • Proxy and load balancer

Auto Reconnection support

 Socket.IO tries to connect automatically with the server if disconnected. 

Identifying Disconnection 

The Engie.IO detects when either the server or client is not responding. 

Binary support

Serializable data structure can be emitted including

  • ArrayBuffer and Blob in browser

  • ArrayBuffer and Buffer in Node.js

Simple API

Multiplexing support

Socket.IO enables the creation of Namespaces which act as separate communication channels within the same connection in order to create separation of concerns. 

Room support

Each namespace includes arbitrary channels which sockets can join or leave. You can then broadcast in any channel to send notification to a group of users or to a user on multiple devices which the socket has joined. 

Why use Socket.IO

Socket.IO is used for developing real-time applications which can be a complex task on PHP. With Socket.IO, outer changes and functionalities are much lesser and the development time is also faster. 

As a freelance Socket.IO developer, I can leverage it into the real-time system architecture with seamless bi-directional communications between server and clients with push notifications and messages. 

We could collaborate and I can offer you freelance Socket.IO development services to power your applications. Used by big companies like Microsoft, Socket.IO is the one-stop solution for developing real-time applications with bi-directional communication between client and server. 



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